Liaison With My Erotic Muse by P.F. Kozak
This article by P.F. Kozak is a perfect read for any erotic romance writer, whether new or old! Jolie du Pre Liaison With My Erotic Muse
glitter-graphics.comAuthor: P. F. KozakWriting erotic romance is certainly a sexual liaison with my muse. Anticipation starts the juices flowing, and then imagination takes over. What is hotter than the expectation of tingles and whispers, caresses and sighs, and finally, skin against skin. The mind, after all, is the most potent erogenous zone. Much like spending a hot night with a lover, foreplay begins while walking up the stairs, or in this case, turning on the computer! Before computers, writers stared at a blank page in a typewriter. Now, it is a white screen on a monitor waiting to be filled. My muse helps me find the sensual space in my imagination, from which sexy stories appear. Sometimes when I need him, my muse has to be enticed to come out and play. I tease him, pursuing him until he can no longer resist. My muse is certainly masculine, a commanding presence when he emerges. To coax him out of the private sanctum where he lives, I bait him. He loves music, especially the blues. Oh baby, yes, the blues will lure him out every time. He absolutely cannot resist Etta James. Once I have his attention, I take a hot bath and soak. That is when we commune. He whispers to me as I drift, telling me what he wants to do. Often, he shows me what he wants, the erotic pictures vivid in my mind. When finally I sit down at the keyboard, the words and images flow from my mind into my fingers. Holding onto the space of erotic thought can be a challenge. It is a delicate altered state of consciousness, a meditative zone where nothing exists except the story. The characters are on stage, and I have to be a rapt audience. There is no room for laundry waiting in the basket, the grocery list sitting on the table or vacuuming the cat litter tracked onto the rug. Everything, and I do mean everything, has to take a back seat to the presence of the muse. When his virility fills my heart and soul, I have to pay attention. To sustain my concentration and encourage my muse to continue his flirtatious whispers, I often look at pictures of beautiful men. I trace the curves of their muscles with my eyes, allowing their potency to wash though me. The impressions translate easily into scenes, where I play voyeur to a gorgeous hunk of man making love. Watching him in my mind's eye, my own fire burns brighter. The tactile sense of him, how he smells, the sweat on his skin, the hard line of his body, the softness of his hair—he overwhelms my senses. Making love on the written page is as intimate and personal as loving on a bed (or any other surface to your liking). The endorphins kick in and identification with the characters is spontaneous. Whatever is happening on the page is also happening in my mind, an alternate reality for the duration of the session. My muse strokes me until I am sated. Then, he allows me to rest until our next liaison. With a tender kiss, he promises the next time will be even better. Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/writing-articles/liaison-with-my-erotic-muse-54011.html About the Author:P.F. Kozak is the author of the erotic romance novels Passion, and Sins and Secrets. Visit her Web site to learn more, http://www.pfkozak.com/Labels: erotic romance, erotica, fiction, novels, romance writer, Writing
Five Questions for a Beauty
-751384.JPG) Five Questions for a Beauty
Fiona Zedde
Immediately after I read Fiona Zedde's submission to Iridescence, "Night Music," she became one of my favorite writers. I got to meet Fiona in LA for a group Iridescence reading, and I found her to be just as gorgeous as the beautiful imagery in her story. Fiona has written three novels and you can visit her website here. 1. Name a favorite book. - Abeng by Michelle Cliff
2. Name a favorite piece of music. - "Receive" by Junior Kelly (and everything on Madeleine Peyroux's "Careless Love" CD)
3. You've been invited to a cocktail party. What do you wear? - high heeled sandals and green nail polish with a flowing knee length monochromatic dress.
4. What do you feel has been your most important writing accomplishment to date? - To have my first novel go into its 3rd printing.
5. What is your next writing project? - A novel currently called Hungry For It due in Summer 2008. Labels: Five Questions for a Beauty, Writing
Five Questions for a Beauty
 Five Questions for a Beauty
Tara Tainton
Tara Tainton is, without question, a hottie. I met her about four or five years ago at ERWA. Tara is also a smartie. She calls her website - Tara.Tainton.com - the "fasting growing playground for consenting adults." It's jam packed with information.
"This site is designed to be a safe, warm, and welcoming place for all adults to play. Created by sex writer Tara Tainton, this playground advocates her belief that SEX IS GOOD.It includes honest, written descriptions of sexual situations and artistic images (if you’re lucky)of the beautiful human form through explicit stories, articles, photographs, videos, games,news, links, and other sex-related resources in a variety of forms...all confirming that sex is natural, healthy, and enlightening."
Be sure to hop over for a visit. I guarantee you'll be back for more. Check out her Naughty Shop as well!
1. Name a favorite book.
One of my past reads that had a significant impact on my own life, goals, perspectives, and relationships with others is Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. A past lover I had a great mental connection with gave the book to me as a gift years ago knowing the ideas and Ayn Rand's own life, beliefs, and fearlessness would reach something within myself. I still refer to favorite quotes, ideas, and manners of living presented within the book, and the same have definitely influenced my writing itself, even achieving my dream of "being a writer" in the first place. Rand's works, essays, and life include so many positive lessons and empowering ideas regarding womanhood, love, sex, self-confidence, self-esteem, individual goals and accomplishments, business, independence, and even the strength to disregard those negative influences and judgments from others. The same definitely have a place in the area of writing erotica as well.
2. Name a favorite piece of music.
A favorite piece of music... that's a hard one as my favorite pieces of music come and go along with different phases of life and love experienced, always having a significant place in my heart but always changing. I tend to be moved by the words and thoughts behind songs most of all... ideas that match my own, offer a new perspective, or just motivate me positively in some direction. Oh, there's Macy Gray's "Do Something" and "Time of My Life," Green Day's "Minority," U2's "Last Night on Earth" and "Beautiful Day," Alanis Morissette's "You Learn," Semisonic's "This Will Be My Year," Jesus Jones's "Right Here, Right Now," The Rolling Stones' "I'm Free," David Gray's "Babylon," Incubus's "Drive," The New Radicals' "You Get What You Give," Moloko's "The Time Is Now," ....just to name a few!
3. You've been invited to a cocktail party. What do you wear?
A cocktail party! Will you be there, Jolie?? ;) Considering the influence my current "home city" of Las Vegas has had on me for the last year and my own unexpected desire to be a little more traditionally womanly (glamorous?) as I get older, I'd have to wear a pair of strappy stilettos and a short dress that barely covers everything. Oh, and a g-string that makes me feel sexy. And I always make sure I'm wearing something I feel comfortable and beautiful in, regardless of the views or opinions of others, sometimes even against my own partner's taste for MY attire. :)
4. What do you feel has been your most important writing accomplishment to date?
My most important writing accomplishment... it's easy to mentally start filing down a list of publishing credits here or there, but I don't think any of that's actually important (only helpful to pass along to those editors who do think it is!). I definitely take most pride in the level of integrity and honesty in my voice in my own writing, which comes through in my public blogging on my personal site as well. I've felt most accomplished, most in tune with my life's purpose and my own direction, when I've heard from readers how a thought, story, article, or expressed opinion of mine has reached out to them somehow, made them view their own life more positively, helped them feel normal, natural, even empowered to stand up for want they really want and need in their own lives. And I can always sit back and look at my bodies of work, whether it's a casual blog post or story or article sold, and know that I was completely honest and true to myself in all of it. I'm sharing the real me with the world, and I know that comes through my writing and helps me to connect and share something special with others.
5. What is your next writing project?
My next writing project/goal is to simply delve more into my own curiosities, personal exploration, and fears and see what stories, opinions, and ideas develop. I want to discover what's hidden in that dark place inside.... beautiful stories, I'm sure. ;)
Labels: Authors, Five Questions for a Beauty, Writing
Five Questions for a Beauty
Lisabet Sarai, an erotica writer, has an image section on her website. The caption of one of her photos is "In My Prime - Another photo of me, from my younger days. This is what a writer of erotica should look like. " Anyone who views the photo would be hard pressed to disagree.
When you read hot erotica you may assume that the author of the erotica is also hot. But more often than not your assumption would be wrong. Authors of erotica look just like most everybody else.
But there are exceptions, and in my Five Questions for a Beauty I interview what I consider exceptions. These are women who don't mind posing for sexy photos because they have what it takes to pull it off. A feminist may call it objectification. I know it's not that serious. These are intelligent women who appreciate their bodies and who know that a bit of eye candy is not a bad thing.
Five Questions for a Beauty 
Kelly M. Marshall
On the evening of October 27th I'll be reading from Iridescence at BookWoman in Austin, Texas. Kelly M. Marshall will be joining me as she reads her story and other stories from Travelrotica. I've never met Kelly, but I discovered what she looked like when I visited her MySpace. Her "Boobsquish" photo is my favorite. 1. Name a favorite book.
A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You: Stories by Amy Bloom. I love her writing style: it's visceral, graceful, and precise.
2. Name a favorite piece of music.
This one is hard. Good music helps me write, so there's always something playing. Plus, I'm a huge music nerd. Right now, I'm listening to Pentaphobe's "A Tribal Metamorphosis". I know I'm cheating, naming a whole album.
3. You've been invited to a cocktail party. What do you wear?
It depends on my mood, who's throwing the party, and if I'm wanting to impress. I'm more of a tight jeans and low-cut blouse kind of girl. With high heels. Minimal jewelry. If I'm really trying to go all out, I'll wear a skirt or dress.
4. What do you feel has been your most important writing accomplishment to date?
Getting published in Travelrotica for Lesbians Vol. 2 was a pretty big deal for me. However, artistically, I would say the play I'm helping to co-write is a big accomplishment, not so much from a writing standpoint, but more from a personal growth point ofview.
5. What is your next writing project?
You know that music I'm listening to? It's helping to inspire my next erotica story. That's the only hint you get!
Labels: Five Questions for a Beauty, Relationships, Writing
TRUE EROTIC TALES, Series 2I'd like your essay for inclusion in THE BLUSHING LADIES JOURNAL .Topic: WHAT TURNS YOU ON? WHAT TURNS YOU OFF? 1. Male and Female Authors of Erotica and Erotic Romance are invited to write an essay.2. Straight, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender - it doesn't matter.3. This isn't fiction. This isn't about your stories. This is about YOU! I want the truth!4. Maximum word count: 500 words.5. Provide your Author Name and Website Address to post next to your essay so that I can promote you. No Anonymous! If you don't want readers to know you wrote the essay - this isn't for you!6. Submit your essay to jolie@joliedupre.com. Put BLUSHING in the subject line.7. Submit your essay by Thursday, October 18. TRUE EROTIC TALES, Series 2 will appear on Sunday, October 21.8. If you submitted to the first TRUE EROTIC TALES feel free to submit again. An essay is rejected only if it is not on topic. Labels: Authors, Relationships, True Erotic Tales, Writing
Bisexual Married Women - Thanks!
Bisexual Married WomenInside Jolie's Head - 6/10/2007Thanks to the women who contributed essays and to our readers. As a final post, here is a story I wrote, a few years ago, with bisexual married women as characters.AliceBy Jolie du PreCopyright 2004Five mothers gathered in front of Howard Elementary School to pick up their kids. Dismissal was at 2:30, but they liked to arrive early to give themselves a chance to talk before they returned to their homes. Their other children, too young for Howard, frolicked on the school's playground just a few feet away.
"Will Carrie and Jonathan play soccer this summer?" Linda asked Madeline as Madeline placed Eva in her stroller.
"Yeah," Madeline replied, handing Eva her rattle and then standing to stretch her back. "But I can hardly afford it. They raised the fee. I paid $300.00 for them this time."
"I think I've spent about $500.00 so far on activities," Teresa said. "It adds up."
"Yes, but no amount of money is too much for some peace and quiet," said Marcia. "I'm sending my Timmy to a four-week computer camp. Then I'm going to lie on my lounge chair and drink Margaritas the entire time he's gone. I need it!"
Linda, Madeline and Teresa nodded at Marcia and laughed in agreement, while Susan listened and tried to concentrate. Susan never felt as organized as the other mothers. She almost forgot to sign Parker up for camp and remembered only when Linda called and asked if she wanted to car pool.
Susan watched as Howard's lot filled with more adults. It was 2:20. Once 2:30 arrived and school let out, she would gather her two kids and then rush home to check her messages on the computer.
For Susan, after school used to be reserved for cookies and homework. She would plop herself on the family couch, worn with overuse, and devote the time to helping Sydney and Parker with math problems, vocabulary words, book reports and other assignments. Roughly 45 minutes into it, she'd present homemade cookies, because it made her feel like a good mom and because she enjoyed the look on her kids' faces when they saw them.
Now when Susan returned home from school with her children, she found Alice's e-mails. Alice sent mail only during her lunch breaks. If Susan didn't read it after school, she'd have to wait until morning, when George and the kids were gone, and she couldn't bear to wait that long.
So the kids worked alone on their homework and cookies were left on a plate in the kitchen. Reading Alice's mail and responding took at least an hour. Afterward, in the time remaining, Susan would lend her help to Sydney and Parker before it was time to make supper.
It had been three months since she met Alice through a message board on the Internet. Two years earlier, George had bought Susan a lap top, and she soon discovered message boards, chat rooms and electronic mail while home alone. She'd always had sexual feelings for women and now she could connect with females like herself.
I'M SEEKING WOMEN, AGES 35 TO 45, FOR FRIENDSHIP, Alice had posted, but Susan knew a posting under Married Bisexuals would lead to more than just friendship.
This wasn't new for Susan. Before Alice there had been Christine. Christine lived only two miles away, but she had never felt comfortable seeing Susan behind George's back.
"He won't understand if I tell him about you," Susan had said to Christine over coffee at Java Town, their favorite meeting place.
"Well, my husband knows. Like I've told you, we don't believe in secrets. He's totally cool with my seeing you," Christine had said.
"You're lucky. George would leave me if he found out."
"Why risk it then?"
Christine had asked the question before, even though she knew the answer. Susan had shifted in her seat and wondered how many more times they would go over it.
"Because I need you, Christine. I need a woman in my life."
"I understand Sue, but this just doesn't feel right."
A week later, Christine and Susan broke up. Susan, devastated at first, searched for someone else. Alice's post had appeared six months later.
Dwayne, Alice's husband, knew about Susan, and it didn't bother Alice that George knew nothing about her. For Susan, it was almost perfect, except that Alice lived in Atlanta, many miles away from Susan's home in Illinois.
Dreams of Alice were frequent and vivid for Susan as she lay next to George at night. Sometimes when George put his mouth on her lips, she pretended his lips belonged to Alice. And his penis, the one that had entered her so many times before, now gave her powerful orgasms whenever she imagined Alice's touch.
She'd seen a photo of Alice, sent to her online. She looked to be about forty-five, fair with long dark wavy hair, large firm breasts under a low-cut tank and full lips adorned with red lipstick; lips Susan wanted to kiss and breasts Susan ached to suck.
"I don't like to send photos, but since we've had some intimate conversations, I thought I would," Alice had said. Susan responded in kind with her best smile and done hair. "You're very pretty," was Alice's reply.
Sometimes they chatted online about Alice's work as a psychiatrist, tales full of quirky patients. Although, when Susan grew tired of discussing Alice's work, it was she who moved the topic of their conversation to sex.
Five months into the relationship Susan wrote, "I can't stand this anymore. I've got to see you."
"I feel the same way, but how can you possibly get away?" Alice responded.
Susan had a plan. She told George that an old college girlfriend, now living in Georgia, wanted her to visit for the weekend and that Teresa would be available to watch Sydney and Parker if George needed it. George agreed, as long as Susan left on Saturday and returned on Sunday. Susan didn't argue.
Now Susan beamed in the grocery store, and at the post office, and in front of her friends, knowing that soon she would fuck Alice. She was beside herself with the thought, wet all the time and careless. She even left her vibrator out by mistake, right in the hands of her youngest, Sydney.
"Mommy what is this?" Sydney asked.
Susan grabbed it out of her hands and didn't reply. It's Alice, she thought to herself with a smile as she put it away.
On the plane to Atlanta, Susan quashed her butterflies with two shots of Jack Daniels. Once off the plane, Susan realized that Alice wasn't there. So she waited. She had traveled all the way to Atlanta. What will I do if she doesn't show up? she thought. Then, she saw a wavy haired woman sprint down the corridor toward her. Susan smiled with relief.
"I'm sorry I'm late," Alice said, pulling Susan toward her to give her a hug. "My God, you're so beautiful."
"It's really good to finally meet you," Susan said. She stared at Alice, in person for the first time, and saw a face that wasn't as pretty as in the photo. So she looked away and let her eyes fall on Alice's breasts, breasts that were as high and as large as she had hoped.
"Let's get some lunch before we head to the hotel. I'm starving," said Alice.
Alice's face, under the dim lights of the restaurant, looked better to Susan than under the harsh lights of the airport. Susan, still high from the shots of Jack Daniels, ordered a glass of red wine to maintain her buzz. Alice talked about her patients, once again, and Susan tried to imagine Alice naked while she pretended to listen.
"I saw Carmella again today," Alice said. "She's bipolar. Sue, do you know what bipolar means?"
"Yes," said Susan, "and I also know what pussy means."
Alice looked at Susan and fell silent for a moment. Then she leaned forward. "What are you going to do to me?"
Susan stared dead into Alice's eyes which caused Alice to shrink back. "Everything," Susan said.
Alice's eyes left Susan's gaze as she lowered her head and smiled. Susan grinned. She enjoyed reducing Alice, overconfident, over talkative and consumed with her profession to silence. Now Susan felt flush with her lust for Alice. The only thing she wanted to do was fuck Alice's brain out.
"I think we should go," Alice said.
"Good idea," Susan replied.
The hotel room was on the fancier end, but Susan didn't notice. Barely inside, she pushed Alice onto the king-sized bed and climbed on her. She felt Alice's large breasts under her own small ones.
She grabbed Alice's wavy hair and lowered her face to Alice's lips. Susan longed for Alice even more with the touch of her soft, wet mouth.
Susan unbuttoned Alice's blouse and opened it to reveal her bra. "I wore this red lacy thing just for you," said Alice. Her large breasts heaved out of the top lace of the bra. Susan throbbed at the sight of them. "I don't know why, 'cause I'm just going to rip this thing off," Susan said.
"Gentle, dear. It's from Paris and it ain't cheap."
Susan smiled and reached her hands behind Alice's back. She unclipped the red bra revealing the breasts she had dreamed about.
Alice lay there topless. Her large breasts spread across her chest, her nipples dark and erect with excitement. Susan grabbed both breasts, pushed them together and ran her tongue down Alice's deep cleavage. She licked Alice's nipples, tenderly at first and them sucked and lapped at them furiously.
"Sue, I want you so bad!" Alice shouted. "I'm so wet. I want you to eat me."
"I'll eat you when I'm good and ready."
She grabbed Alice's skirt and pulled it down her legs. Then she removed her pantyhose, damp at the crotch, exposing the think, dark hair on her mound. She slid a finger into Alice's wetness, and then she yanked it out.
"Oh my God! Don't stop Sue, please."
Susan put her mouth to Alice's ear. "Spread your legs for me," she whispered.
"Yes," Alice whimpered.
Susan buried her mouth into Alice and in no time Alice bucked and roared with an explosive orgasm.
At six that morning, Susan lay awake next to a sleeping Alice. She had given pleasure and gotten it from someone other than George. The night was over. Soon she would return to Illinois.
Susan got out of bed and sat in a chair, staring at Alice while she slept. How could this go on? She thought. They could continue to chat online and send e-mails, but her hunger for Alice's body would always be there.
She loved George and she loved being a mother to Sydney and Parker. It was a life she didn't want to give up, but if she told George about her affair with Alice, she would have to. George was traditional and he was homophobic. He didn't know he married a bisexual. He couldn't know.
"You're up early," said Alice, straining to see as she awoke. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm just thinking."
"About us?"
"It'll be okay. I can come to Chicago in October. I love the Four Seasons, so I'll stay there. You can sneak off to see me, and George will never know."
"Alice, you know I can't continue like this. This is crazy. I don't know what I'm going to do." Susan put her head in her hands.
"Sue, I understand. This has got to be hard for you. Are you sure you can't approach this subject with George, slowly? I can help you with how to do it."
"I'm not one of your patients."
"I know Sue. I didn't mean it that way."
"I'm sorry, but George is nothing like Dwayne. He won't understand. I just wish you lived in Chicago. It would be so much easier."
"And I wish you lived here. Maybe we should leave it like this, Sue. We can continue to keep in touch, but your marriage is important. Perhaps visits like these are too much of a risk."
Susan stared at the floor and then looked at Alice. Alice's dark wavy hair sprayed across her delicate shoulders, and the crest of her bosom peaked gently out of the top of the comforter. Her early morning face, sans makeup, looked relaxed and honest. She was indeed beautiful.
Susan smiled.
"What is it?" said Alice.
"When did you say you could come to Chicago?"
END Jolie du Pre is an author of lesbian erotica and lesbian erotic romance. Her first anthology, Iridescence: Sensuous Shades of Lesbian Erotica, is now in print . Order Iridescence: Sensuous Shades of Lesbian Erotica today. Music for 6/10/2007 Blogging - Patti Smith
Labels: Erotic Stories, erotica, f/f, Jolie, Relationships, Writing
Married Bisexual Women Essays for May 20, 2007
I am looking for BISEXUAL MARRIED WOMEN to write a 500 word or fewer essay of their thoughts on being a bisexual married woman. These essays will be posted at The Blushing Ladies Journal beginning on Sunday, May 20, 2007.
You may write your essay as ANONYMOUS or I can post your name/pen name and a link to your website, blog or MySpace as a promotional tool.
If you are interested, please:
1. Write a 500 word or fewer essay on being a married bisexual woman. Put your essay in the body of an email. NO ATTACHMENTS. 2. Indicate if you would like the essay as ANONYMOUS or include your name or pen name and your website, blog or MySpace address.
Please send your essay to joliedupre@ameritech.net by Friday, May 18, 2007. Put ESSAY in the subject line.
Thanks, Jolie du Pre Labels: Jolie, Relationships, Romance, sex, sexuality, Writing