The Romantic Strip Tease
The Romantic StripTease!
Have you ever fantasized about being a stripper? Have you ever thought it would be cool to do a striptease for your lover? Well, guess what? You're not alone!
Truth be told, many women have this same fantasy. Many more have even "busted a move" for their lover. Sound like fun? It sure is! Plus, the Romantic Striptease is an awesome way to show your lover just how sexy you're feeling. And take it from me, he will agree with you 100%.
Of course anytime you remove your own clothes in front of your lover there's sure to be "fireworks". But lets do something special. Let's treat your lover. Let's plan an actual Romantic Striptease.
So, what's needed to make the Romantic Striptease a success? Let's have a look.
First and foremost, as mentioned in my book "the Romantic Tips Guide" you do not have to be a professional dancer to do this. It's all about having fun and spending some quality time with each other!
Next, is music selection. Keep in mind you and your partners taste. The music you choose needs to be a bit on the slow side. Not too slow and draggy, but slow enough so you will be able to take your time removing your clothes one piece at a time and really Tease.
Speaking of clothing, you'll have to plan what to wear. And, you won't need to go shopping either. Well...not unless you want to. ;-) It is best to start off fully dressed. After all it is called a "Strip TEASE". Removing layers is much more fun, and exciting. A sexy dress, or blouse and skirt, choose an outfit that always turns your partner on. You know, the one where he just can't keep his hands off you. Then for underneath that, choose a couple more things. A pretty camisole, over a sexy bra. On the bottom put a pair of sexy skimpy panties over a pair of thongs. Eventually you'll be removing it all, one piece at a time. Remember, anything that drive's your sweetie wild, and whatever makes you feel sexy and desirable is in order here. You can pretty much choose whatever's in your closet for the outer layer. A good, "naughty" choice is always the schoolgirl look, or you could go for the button-down business look. A tie would later make a great prop. Just think about looping it behind his head to pull him into your breasts.
Then accessorize. This includes anything like glasses, hats, ties, as well as the all-important thigh highs, (or garter belt and stockings) and stiletto heels. Just make sure you can actually move around and dance in those stilettos. If you don't have any in your closet, borrow a pair from a friend. Also long necklaces look amazing when you're down to the bare essentials, plus long gloves and feather boas are great accessories too.
Place a chair some where in your bedroom where you will have easy access to move all around it. Of course it's for your sweetie to sit on and watch as you dazzle him with your StripTease. Also, chill some of your lover's favorite beverage. Wine or champagne would be great. You could have some fresh fruit like strawberries or grapes to feed your lover as you dance up a storm. Just remember to take it slow and easy.
When the time comes to do your Romantic StripTease remove one piece of clothing at a time, making sure to linger on each piece. Give it a try, I promise you and your lover will have great fun. Oh yeah and great sex as well!
Best Of Luck!
Marie Clare
About the Author:
Marie Clare specializes in writing about Dating Relationships and Romance. Check out her lastest Best Selling eBook "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" plus reviews of the Best Online Dating Sites FREE Articles Tips and Advice at
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