High-Five Friday

1) A review of Brett Kahr's Who's Been Sleeping in Your Head?:
Inspired by the psychological insights of Sigmund Freud, the methodological rigor of Alfred Kinsey and the writings of Nancy Friday on female sexuality, Kahr launched a research project to "answer some basic questions," chief among them, "Do our fantasies represent just a bit of private fun, or do they have more profound implications for how we lead our lives?"2) DIY Erotica at The Sydney Morning Herald.
3) The finalists for the 20th annual Lambda Literary Awards (for the best in LGBT literature) have been named ~ and yes, that includes erotica!
4) Step This Way Please, an erotic story of vibe-play by janiexx (with a few photos of Fetish Kitten too!)
5) Neighborly Hospitality, by AfroerotiK's Scottie Lowe... Yummy!
Find out how to give your High-Five Fridays here!
The purpose of this meme is to give high-fives to 5 people, posts, blogs and/or websites you've admired during the week. I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 5 high-fives on Friday. Trackbacks, pings, linky widgets, comment links accepted!
Visiting fellow High-Fivers is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your High-Fives in others comments (please note if NWS).
Find more High-Five Friday folks here!Labels: erotica, Gracie, High-Five Fridays, sexuality