Show & Tell Adult Meme: End Of The Year Edition
Sure to be cross-posted because I blog too darn much :p
1 What was your very favorite post you made this past year?
While I seem to enjoy making things 'all about me', and did author this question, in actuality this question makes me nervous...
But I'll go with Fantasy Vs. Reality: What Is Cheating? because it's still a very valid question/conversation. Feel free to keep it going by adding your own thoughts.
2 What post was the most effective post you made this past year? (Based on links to it, comments, emails, sales etc.)
Skanky Panties & The Business of Faux Fish Juices wins, hands down (no pun intended... maybe) because of the number of emails asking for everything from who I personally knew that was ethical to how much money could they make... And oh yeah, let's not forget the number of offers for my panties. (When offers run above $250, I may just consider it!)
3 What are three of your favorite posts/articles that you've read this past year? (Not your own, but the works of others.) And do tell us all why you selected them.
I know I wrote this question, but I fear it may get me killed by kittens, Sex Kittens that is :p So I'm just going to say, yet again, that all the Sex Kittens humble and awe me for their honesty, wit, humor, intelligence and desire to share with all of us.
And, should you be looking for more to read, check out what the kittens and tom cats are posting in the forum.
4 What was the most surprising thing you learned in 2007?
That people continue to prefer to email vs. posting comments, especially when it comes to sexual topics.
5 What was the most valuable thing or lesson you learned in 2007?
That flesh will remind you of the speed at which you can work. I was very ill this year and I'm working on being kinder to my being.
6 Is there anything you wanted to learn this past year that you did not? Why not? And are you going to make this a goal for 2008?
My goal to make sex more mainstream, which is nearly a decade long Internet struggle ~ and longer in the 'real world', has not been met.
It's a very large goal and I'm beginning to see the path more clearly, even written down some of the steps I'll need to take. I'm sure I'll announce them here as I achieve them, but I won't jinx them by listing them here.
It may take another decade. And I'm committed to it.
Optional (but worth 100 extra Marketing Whore Bucks lol): For most of us, guarding our identities means not taking/publishing photos, but I double-dog dare you to take some photo of yourself, crop it to remove what you think is necessary to keep your privacy but still gives something special (and hopefully naughty) of you away ~ and publish it on your blog.

To participate, see how here. Thanks :)
Labels: Gracie, sexuality, Show and Tell Meme
I love that you stumped yourself :P
I'm off to enjoy the links you selected!
PS How on earth did you mesmerize all of us to take photos?!
Oh, I'm so with you on #6!
An excellent goal!
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