How To Get Along With Boys

..When You Know How!
Times haven't changed... Much. We still wonder how to win our mates, just like they did when this vintage dating self-help book was published.
The old ad reads:
Men are funny ~ you never know whether you're making the right move or not. Avoid disappointment, heart-break! Save yourself lots of tragedy!And what happens when you've won him? Isn't he still 'funny' or hard to read? Don't you still worry if you're making the right move or not?
While some of the questions posed in this old publication, like "How To Have Personality," may seem rather corny ~ and I'm sure the answers wouldn't be any better or accepted by us today ~ most of the questions still are asked by women today. Women who are trying to understand their partner, or by those who wish married life was more like when they were dating. I know men feel the same way too...
When dating we are at once trying to be understood as well as be understanding. We are focused on the other person and enjoy being the focus ourselves. If we are serious about knowing the other person and being known in return (the only way both people can be accepted is to be known) we expose some of ourselves as we try to see more of the other person. It's kind of like stripping the emotional clothing off to see the naked person beneath ~ as I remove something, so does he. And when we first see those new parts, we marvel and compliment each other. We accept one another. Should we see something concerning or problematic, we talk about it and try to work it out because, after all, while dating we are very aware that we ourselves are not perfect and we too would like to be accepted if not appreciated.
The real difference between dating and staying in a committed relationship is really our attitudes. After all, we do know 'how to get along with him'; we've got him. Wouldn't it be wise and a whole lot more fun if we treated our committed relationships more like dating, if we continued to focus on these 'how tos' that we mastered while dating?
(For more fun Gracie says: Click the pic to see/read a larger version ~ and the book has been reprinted and is for sale here.)
Labels: Advice, Gracie, Relationships
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